
Adwokat dr Witold Kabański
ul. Rozbrat 34/36 lok. 95, 00-429 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 622 68 76
tel. kom +48 601 20 90 58


The law firm of attorney Dr. Witold Kabański specializes in carrying out orders on its own, although in the case of handling larger orders, very complex in terms of content or requiring a large expenditure of time, the law firm cooperates with renowned Warsaw law firms and legal advisers, which bring together the best professionals necessary to conduct a given type of case.

The lawyer, working for his clients, in the event of need and to the necessary extent, uses expert opinions and experts of various specialties and cooperates with patent spokespersons and tax advisers. This form of activity seems to be the best to meet clients who are always dealing with competent lawyers and specialists, capable of effectively solving their legal problems.

A profession of public trust

A profession of public trust is any regulated profession constituting a profession of high social importance, requiring appropriate qualifications not only professional and health-related, but also characterological, i.e. moral and ethical, the proper performance of which, on behalf of the state, has been entrusted by statute to the professional self-government.

Currently, in Poland, 24 acts constitute the legal basis for the operation of 17 self-governments of public trust professions, which supervise 19 such professions.

Although, according to the doctrine, professions of public trust only include professions regulated in the above manner, public trust itself is a factor necessary to perform many other professions or hold other positions, in particular as a public official.
The status of a profession of public trust is granted to professions involving the performance of tasks of a specific nature from the point of view of public tasks and out of concern for the implementation of the public interest, but there is also a legal possibility of depriving the profession of this status by abolishing a given professional self-government. Limiting the competences of professions of public trust leads to central control of the state.

Tasks and functions of a lawyer

Tasks and functions of a lawyer Lawyers play an important role in the Polish justice system, contributing to ensuring justice and legal protection of citizens. The key values ​​and tasks related to legal activities include:

  • Guaranteeing equality before the law - lawyers are a guarantor of equality before the law. Their task is to represent clients regardless of their social, financial or political position. A lawyer acts as a defender of the rights and interests of his client, striving to ensure equal access to justice for all citizens.
  • Defense of human rights - lawyers in Poland play an important role in the defense of human rights. By representing clients, attorneys protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, ensuring compliance with international standards and Polish human rights law.
  • Ensuring justice - attorneys are key participants in court proceedings. Through effective representation, attorneys strive to ensure that their clients' interests are duly considered and taken into account in the dispute resolution process.
  • Providing legal assistance to people in need - attorneys in Poland also engage in pro publico bono activities, i.e. providing free legal assistance people who are unable to provide it for themselves. This initiative aims to ensure that access to legal aid does not depend on financial or social status, thus promoting equality and justice.